Saturday, May 30, 2020

CSS Profile FAQs

HomeFinanceFinancial aidCSS Profile Tips And TricksThis page may contain affiliate links.Oct 28, 2019Frequently asked questions about the CSS Profile Since my wife and I file jointly, can we enter together as Parent 1? No Should I do the schools in order of preference or some other order? Order makes no difference. Is there a max number of schools I can list like on FAFSA? No Can we add schools at a later date and time? Yes Whats the cost to send the CSS Profile? $25 for first and $16 for additional ones How are health savings accounts treated? Counted as untaxed income. If your answer is zero should I enter zero or can I skip (with no star)? You can skip it and leave it blank. When filling out the form, can we pause, save it, and return at a later date? Yes Where does any 1099 income get listed? could this just go under income? Each box indicates which line on the IRS to get the information from. Just follow the directions. What if you purchased house for 500K and put 200K in renovations in? Should you report your cost basis or just purchase price? Purchase price. I know we have to send in our tax forms. Do we also have to send in a mortgage statement? How do they check up on our house values? You do NOT send in tax returns or tax transcripts unless the school tells you to. Use the current market value of your house as estimated on a real estate site like Zillow. So you have to report a different childs UTMAs for this student YES, under the question where it asks for siblings assets. Even if you file jointly, Im guessing you fill out all info for Parent 1 and then Parent 2? YES Is there any way to report that the family has both a mortgage and pays rent if parents are married but live apart due to work requirements? Explain under special circumstances. What if my husband has his own business, i have a job where I work for someone and I have my own side business (1099)? How do we input this? It says parent- do we go thru this twice one for each parent or is this something you combine? Do you file a joint tax return? If so, just follow the directions on where to input the information from the tax return. Real Estate owned by LLC, parent is sole partner in the LLCso ALL RE value is required to be reported from this corporation? YES, business assets are not sheltered on CSS like the FAFSA. So if the student babysits and gets paid cash, you just estimate what they earned? YES Id also like to know about disclosing babysitting cash payments. As well as if cash received for birthdays and holidays is supposed to be included as Gifts. If the money is sitting in the students savings account it gets added as assets. If the gift money is substantial to be used for college you need to disclose it. $20 for a birthday or Xmas, no. I would like to clarifyare balances form small business accounts to be included in the CSS. YES Are bank account balances reported for a small business? YES If a parent is reasonably affluent but maybe has unique situation (ie a handicapped child) how should they handle this. Maybe they could afford to pay say $30,000 but have these other obligations. Explain under special circumstances. What about changes in health insurance status ie having to go on Cobra for upcoming year? Is this exceptional if the cost is significant. It depends on how substantial it was. If you didnt have to pay for insurance and now have to pay $2000 a month then yes, explain in special circumstances. If your ins. Went up $250 per month, no. So exceptional health insurance premiums as self employed individuals would also be considered exceptional? Self employed individuals are also allowed to deduct their health insurance premiums where W2 employees cannot, so no, I dont consider that an exceptional circumstance With the question that asks, what does you parent expect to contribute it is probably safe to put down as figure NO larger that the federal methodology EFC. Do you agree? If that’s what you can afford to pay, then answer with that number. How long does it take for colleges to get the profile once submitted? I think they are sent fairly quickly. It depends on how frequently the recipient (university) downloads the info. Best bet would be to check your app status, if it is a school that you are able to do that with; if not, contact the fin aid office by phone. How do they check up on retirement accounts? If they feel you havent disclosed your assets you can always be asked to submit your statements. Schools want all this info but you said they dont want to know about a HELOC or second mortgage? It cancels out some of your net worth. I think you are confusing the statement they dont CARE what your bills are. How do we estimate what the anticipated earnings of our child while at school when we dont yet know where shes going to school and where she would be working? Just a safe guesstimate. Most Profile schools expect the student to provide $2500 per year towards their cost of paying for college. I have 2 students, next year the older one will be Junior in college and the younger a freshman in college. Do I create separate CSS profiles and repeat all the information or is it one profile account for the family with a way to enter information for each student. Yes, separate. The CSS Profile is individual to the student and their school. Some require CSS every year, some only Freshman. Is untaxed income considered pre-tax contributions to 401K? Yes Eldercare expenses, if you have them how do they expect documentation? If asked for documentation I would imagine you would have receipts to show. Can this be submitted for one school then adjusted for additional schools at later date (like FAFSA adding schools)? No For your questions list: if there are supplemental questions (like the ones about # of cars), are those visible to the other schools as well? No We have unusual situation. We are Elderly parents, own our home outright and living off Social Security and SEP Retirement Accounts. In your experience will universities require us to draw down prematurely fromSEP accounts and/or get a mortgage on our home to make expected parental contribution for our 18 year old son to attend college? Thanks. No, they cant require you to do anything. But they will look at your income from SS and retirement and your assets. If you are over the age of 62 you can qualify to get a reverse mortgage to help you pay for college without drawing from your retirement, possibly no need to take a student or parent loan, and never have to make a payment! Talk to a professional! CSS Profile Tips And Tricks For Divorced Parents As a non-custodial divorced parent, does student need to file the CSS before I get an email to enter my info? Yes Do I need to enter Parent 2 if we are divorced? The non-custodial parent will be completing their own Profile. The email needs to be sent to them. For divorced parents who have to answer this, how should they answer what they intend to give, assuming there is no court ordered/agreed upon amount Divorced parent should answer the question with whatever is the contribution they plan to make, whether or not it is in an agreement. I am the non-custodial parent and she has a checking account through my credit union. Does her credit union account balance get entered here? Or when I fill out my part of the profile? If the account is in both of your names, yes. Do I have to ask for a waiver from every school my son will apply? The waiver we spoke of on the webinar is only if the school requires the Non-Custodial parent to complete a CSS and they flatly refuse to cooperate. I am separated from my husband. I have my son from a previous marriage. we not in touch with his father. Do I have to put my husband on the CSS? I don’t have any information about him because he moved a few months ago. If you are separated from your current husband you do not need to include his information. Youll have to fill out to ask for a waiver for the non-custodial parent. Its up to the college to decide. Do I have to fill out a waiver for each one individually or just one that goes to every college? No. Complete only one Noncustodial PROFILE Application. The College Board will send your information to each of the colleges and programs your daughter selected on the PROFILE that require the Noncustodial PROFILE. DOES THE NON-custodial parent also have to list the schools for the PROFILE to be sent to? No. They will fill out one NC application that will be sent to all of the required schools.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Exploring Fear in Howl, Basketball Diaries, and Cats Cradle

yacketayakking screaming vomiting whispering facts and memories and anecdotes and eyeball kicks and shocks of hospitals and jails and wars (Ginsberg 11). Like many authors of the modern literature movement, Allen Ginsberg explores the bombs psychological affects on many Americans during the 1960s. Modern literature describes the chaos of the 1960s, caused by increasing societal problems and fear of the new atomic bomb. Writings such as The Basketball Diaries, Howl and Cats Cradle express concepts of fear, power, governmental control, and death. Government uses societys fear of death and the end of the world to keep control and power over the people. The atomic bomb generates such universal fear and the corrupted government fails†¦show more content†¦Dr. Hoenikker is oblivious to the consequences of his actions and inventions. He thinks of life as a game: Why should I bother with made-up games when there are so many real ones going on? (Vonnegut 17). He doesnt understand the seriousness of the products of his power. Felix illustrates, on an individual level, the type of corruption in government that Carroll and Ginsberg describe in The Basketball Diaries and Howl. The government not only lacks an understanding of the people, but seems not to care. The governments control of the world, like Dr. Hoenikkers, includes the tremendous power to end existence. The governments power is playing games with society when considering the use of the nuclear bomb. The government causes the people of the world to live in fear, waiting for the bomb to drop. This power that Dr. Hoenikker and the government hold could be used in a much more constructive way, to help society instead of destroying it. An image in Cats Cradle that proves how fear is used to control a population, is that of the hook in San Lorenzo. The hook, and fear of it, parallels the bombs significance according to Carroll and Vonnegut. The hook is supposedly used in San Lorenzo to execute anyone who practices the illegal faith, Bokononism. Though everyone in San Lorenzo practices this faith, and the hook hasnt been used in many years, the fear that is stimulated by the hook

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fast Paced, Constantly Attached To A Cell Phone, A Closed

Fast paced, constantly attached to a cell phone, a closed minded racially diverse culture; are three things a person would associate with the United States. Soccer, loud conversations in close proximity, and the carnival festival, are three things a person would relate to Brazil. These two countries sit on the same side of the world, yet because of their position on different hemispheres, the cultures are vastly different. Brazil remains in the top 10 for world’s largest economies, however this economy is plagued with issues. According to surveys on the Latin barometer page a large portion of its citizens asked in these surveys say their current economy isn’t working, statistics for how satisfied they are read at 39.6% for not being†¦show more content†¦Since the Great Recession, upper-income families have regained some of their wealth, while middle-income families haven’t seen gains at all. In this recovery period the wealth gap has only increased, to put this into perspective in 2013 low and middle-income families’ wealth is around what it would have been in the 1990’s. So while the rich get richer, the disparities between middle- and lower-income families are growing wider, much like the gap in Brazil. These two countries share problems with economic growth and spreading the wealth. However, another thing that both countries share is how their Education system is set up. Both have free and compulsory schooling for the younger years up until high school. The U.S. takes it a bit further than Brazil and makes it compulsory through High school. Yet Brazil one ups the U.S and public Universities are free for those who pass an entrance exam. The grading scale in both countries also remains the same, the only exception Brazil uses an E for a failing grade while the U.S uses the letter F to mark a failing grade. Both countries use either a C or a D equivalent as the lowest passing grades. So both countries have the same goal, they want their citizens to garner an education and do give them the means to do so. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Identified Event Project

Question: Task 1 1. Write a report on the benefits of carrying out an identified event or project within an agreed time scale in order to meet the need of the project 2. List all the documents that are required for such an event using your experience as an event planner to evaluate and analyse the importance of these documents 3. In your report you must ensure that resources that are required for this event are listed and their benefits to the project/event are discussed and documented within your report 4. The final part of your report should give a critical analysis of how reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources were carried out Task 2 Your Report has been successful and you have convinced the Director and Board members to put on the event/project. Your next task is to present to the board your plan of action. 1. In your report you will document how you will Set up the Project, choose the completion date and allocate responsibilities 2. Detail within your report what leadership, effective time management skills will be necessary to pull such an event /project off 3. Assess and document the significance of stakeholder analysis when formulating new strategy 4. Take corrective action if necessary to keep the project on schedule and document this in your report Task 3 When working on putting on a project, it can never be successful without a team, whom manage different parts of the project for it to come together as a whole successfully. Therefore you are also required to document the following: 1. Choose the Appropriate size team and document each persons role writing down what skills this person has in adding value to the project, and hence why you choose that person to play that role 2. Document within your report what types of team building and conflict management skills are required when diffusing anger 3. Detail methods of co-ordination and communication used, and why you believe they were the most appropriate methods. Do not forget to include documents i.e. minutes of meeting, emails, telephone call logs etc. 4. What, why and how are resources going to be used in order to ensure the project is a success? Task 4 1. Create clear records of communication both internally, externally and of team meetings. 2. Document where use of information technology has been used 3. Produce information clearly, regularly and on time documenting when and what was produced. Answer: Task 1 1) Benefits of carrying out the identified event within the agreed time for meeting the needs of the project According to the outlook and opinion of Sadgrove (2015), the benefits of the event project focuses towards the completion of the project work within specified period. It focuses on the completion of the careers fair as well as the satisfaction of the students for whom the event will organize. The better the project will provide services to the customers, the more they will be satisfied. So, the better will be the publicity of the organization for managing the events in future. It will, therefore, increase the reputation of the organization along with the profits. The employees will retain to the maximum extent. 2) Documents required for such events as event planner along with analyzing the documents Conger (2015) commented that documentation of the essentialities and requirements are essential for the event manager to know from the clients. It is due to that the better the event manager will be working on the clients demand and making it fulfilled, the more the proportion of satisfaction will increase. The documents essential are for making the entire organization work based on it. The reasons behind the occurrence of the event are the type of decorations; the companies invited, the students those are enrolling their names are all included in the documentation. Moreover, the time of completion of the event also specifies for a good organization of the event (Reijers et al. 2015). 3) Resources that required for the event There are certain reasons for making the entire organization work accordingly for organizing a good event for the satisfaction of the customers. From the outlook and opinion of Carroll and Buchholtz (2014), the team members required for the event are the managers for overall monitoring of the entire event. The companies is therefore contacted and invited for joining the careers fair for providing advice to the students like Joe for choosing the correct career path. 4) Critical analysis of the reviews As commented by Hart (2015), the event organizer analyzes the reports as well as evaluations those carried out in the career fair. The companies dealing with marketing, legal, financial and operations called for the students like Joe seeking for career guidance. Other than this, the students names along with their skills and qualifications enrolled to see which company and job profile will be matching with them. Task 2 1) Documentation of the plan and allocation of responsibilities From the outlook and opinion of Meyr et al. (2015), the careers fair is held in the city of Leeds and the companies related to several occupations invited. The students are also invited from every corner of UK to join the careers fair. Moreover, for setting up the careers fair at the University of Leeds, the companies and enrollment of the students necessary. Other than this, the careers fair is to e held for four days from morning 8 am to evening 5 pm. It will be held from 5th November 2015 to 9th November 2015. As commented by Jennings et al. (2015), the staff members of the organization have to enroll the names of the students along with their skills and specializations. Then, accordingly, the students are sent to the companies that go best with their skills. 2) Essentiality in the project The overall time management is necessary that helps in the completion of the project within specified period. The effective time management helps in the overall management of event within specified period and with effectiveness in time (Webster, 2015). A good leadership is necessary for the conduction of the event in time. Necessary supply of water, cleanliness of toiletries, etc. helps in the completion of the project. 3) Assessing and documentation the significance of the analysis of the stakeholder For formulating the new strategies, the stakeholder analysis helps necessary that helps in understanding the need and requirements of the careers fair. Other than this, it also helps members in the management of the team along with its staff members for completion of the project in specified period (Hatten, 2015). The new strategies help in the utmost completion of the project in time and with fruitful results. 4) Corrective action for documentation of the project The project helps in scheduling the overall activities of the project in time. It also fully documents the students involved along with the organizations those have taken part in the project completion (Strumickas and Valanciene, 2015). It also helps in taking the overall project completion in time along with the essential requirements and resources for completing it. Task 3 1) Documentation of the team along with the roles The stem size for organizing the event is of twenty people along with the manager. The five members of the team engage them in enrolling the organizations name along with the members coming for representing the organization. These people have the skills of marketing (Sadgrove, 2015). Other than this, the other five people specializing in operations take care of the computers and laptops provided to the students as well as the organizations. The next five people from the financial department responsible for enrolling the student names and the money provided for joining the event. The last four people and the manager overall check the event planning and also do the monitoring (Ceponiene et al. 2015). 2) Documentation of the types of team building and conflict management skills The team members should have excellent communications within the team along with the excellent management skills. Taking care of huge organizations along with the overall management of the skills also help in effective building of the team (Conger, 2015). Other than this, the anger entering in the teamwork can ruin the entire work. So, the anger management is essential within the team for the effective operation of the event. 3) Methods of coordination and communication Communication being one of the best parts of the organization that helps in the overall management of the system. The communication media are the telephone, emails, calls logs, etc. that helps in the effective documentation as well as communication in the team. It also includes the time allocated for each of the students for having the face to face interaction with the organization (Reijers et al. 2015). It also includes the stipulated time of having breaks between the interviews. Other than this, the emails help in the documentation of the entire project that helps in entire project scheduling and timing. 4) Resources for ensuring the success of project The resources those sending ensure the success of the project as because it will be methodical in nature. Other than this, the resources also help in making the entire project work in the most stipulated way that ensures success. The overall event scheduling and implementation in stipulated time help in the accomplishment of the work in time. Moreover, the human resources of the team that is the team members handle overall monitoring of the event (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). It therefore, helps in the overall completion of the work methodically as well as in stipulated time. Task 4 1) Requirement of communication The communication is essential for managing the event. Both internal, as well as external communication with the team members, should be present that helps in making the work methodical in nature. Hart (2015) commented on the essential fact that the internal, as well as external communication, also helps in team meetings to organize the task more beautifully. The communication also helps in understanding the event and the reason behind the organizing it. It also helps in communicating the requirements of clients to all the team members to work accordingly. 2) Usage of the information technology From the outlook and opinion of Slack (2015), the information technology plays an important role in the organizing the entire event successfully. The information technologies such as phones are necessary for calling and messaging the team members for doing the work accordingly. Other than this, it also includes the use of emails where the event manager receives the requirements of the clients. From the event manager, the tasks are segregated among the staff members based on their specialization. So, it is seen that in every step of the organization, the information technology is essential. 3) Documentation of the entire event According to the outlook and opinion of Ceponiene et al. (2015), the information received from the clients is essential and need to be circulated to the team members. The better the circulation, as well as documentation, will be, the more the event will be organized in the better way. The documentation also focuses towards the completion the event management at the time that the client has specified. The documentation also includes the time of completion, the materials required as well as resources that help in organizing the entire work within time. The overall management also included the food items and drinks that will serve at the time. References Hart, C. V. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,069,930. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Hatten, T. S. (2015).Small business management: Entrepreneurship and beyond. Cengage Learning. Sadgrove, M. K. (2015).The complete guide to business risk management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.. Meyr, H., Wagner, M., and Rohde, J. (2015). Structure of advanced planning systems. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 99-106). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Jennings, C. L., Mishra, R., Nayar, T., and Russell, L. W. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 8,984,119. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Webster, L. (2015).An evaluation of the feasibility of setting up an event interior specialist business in cardiff(Doctoral dissertation, Cardiff Metropolitan University). Conger, S. (2015). Six sigma and business process management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 127-146). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Strumickas, M., and Valanciene, L. (2015). Research of management accounting changes in Lithuanian business organizations.Engineering Economics,63(4). Reijers, H. A., Mendling, J., and Recker, J. (2015). Business process quality management. InHandbook on Business Process Management 1(pp. 167-185). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Ceponiene, L., Nemuraite, L., and Vedrickas, G. (2015). Separation of event and constraint rules in UMLandOCL models of service oriented information systems.Information technology and control,38(1). Carroll, A., and Buchholtz, A. (2014).Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Cengage Learning.